Terms of Service

Content Copyright

All photos on this web site are copyright David Williss (d.b.a. David Williss Photography).

Any person depicted in a photo on this site is granted full rights to copy and/or distribute said photo by any means, including but not limited to social media sites. This includes both clients of David Williss Photography and also subjects photographed at public events such as Renascence festivals or cosplay events.

Distribution rights are also granted to the operators of any festival or event depicted under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which means you can use it as long as the logo watermark is left intact or the photo is credited to David Williss Photography.

Photos not depicting people (for example: landscapes, wildlife, etc) are also available under the Creative Commons Attribution license.

Anonymous Users

Anonymous users (visitors to the web site who do not log in), have access to the photo gallery including medium resolution versions of any photo not tagged as private.

Users with accounts

Users who create an account or use one of the external social media logins provided also have access to the full resolution versions of the photos (or will have, once that feature is implemented).

This web site will also be used to distribute photos to the clients of David Williss Photography. These photos will be tagged as private and only visible to that client's account. Clients should make a copy of the full resolution versions of their photos for safe keeping. There is no guarentee that they will be available on this site forever.